Saturday, April 9, 2011

M & T on the Banking Industry

I owe this one to Mario Gabelli who recently spoke to Tom Keene from Bloomberg. While speaking with Tom, Mario mentioned that every politician should read M & T Bank's 2010 Annual Report. He referred to the section titled "Regulation and The State of The Banking Industry." This is a wonderful read highlighting many changes that have occurred in the banking industry over the last 80 years. Below is a link to the whole Annual Report, the banking industry section starts on PDF page 15.

This explanation is worth so much, defining systemic risk, M&T CEO Wilmers says, "the aggregation of risks in the hands of so few has the potential to impact the fortunes of so many." What a great way of explaining a concept that has been thrown around so much and never explained in the most general sense. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

China Shakes the World

"If the Chinese were ever to consume at the American levels of 2001, they would need to guzzle three times the world's total consumption." This is a quote from China Shakes the World by James Kynge; I recently finished reading this. The book has been around for 5 years or so, and I thought I'd share a some of the things that I found particularly interesting and revealing. 

  • "Each year since 2004, China has installed the equivalent of all the generating capacity of a country such as Spain"

The Weekly Spot Rate

I was scanning through Business Insider earlier and came across this post. There are some great examples of creating brand awareness, like Baltica Dry.
Also the YouTube video below is from Shark Tank, a venture capital reality TV show. This product is just plain funny. Enjoy!

Check them out below and have a great week.